Chad Roland

Chad RolandChad Roland became enthralled with his dad’s and aunt’s 45 rpm records. We’re talking Motown, Beatles, British Invasion, novelty records, ’70s pop, soul and some classic country to boot. In tandem. He soaked up the art of the hit single and the earthy, funky R&B and exuberant rock ’n’ roll of his home turf near Shreveport, Louisiana – a state that contains perhaps the greatest musical melting pot the U.S of A. has to offer.

He once told me, “I swim in all sides of the pool. I don’t care if it’s country, punk, R&B, pop, folk, hip-hop, jazz, bluegrass or gospel. If it moves me, it moves me”.

When necessary, he can nimbly walk the line between country and pop to produce the kind of mainstream hybrid that has become so prevalent in today’s Nashville. But he’s not a one-flavor kind of writer. Chad draws from a deeper well than many commercial songwriters. Just check him out for yourself. The guy can write ’em. (Taken from Steve Morley Country Weekly magazine).

Ain’t Nothin Like A Twang*

Gravity* (this song is on hold. ISG)

I Call It Love*

What They Were Missing*

Beautiful Like You*

Chad Roland cover
When April Fools Around

Mississippi Rain

Welcome To My Heart

Country Crazy

One Traffic Light Town

Christmas Time To Me

* Co-written with Jerry Glidewell

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